Common queue
There is a single queue for all servers, customers are served first-come first-served.
Common or Separate Queues?
Most customers prefer a single common queue, rather than a separate queue for each till.

  • Fairness, everyone served in turn, no overtaking.
  • Customers don't have to decide which queue to join.

Other advantages of the common queue are:

  • Requires less space compared to separate queues.
  • Allows the use of "queue-side" merchandise.
Separate queues
Each server has their own separate queue. Within  each queue , customers are served first-come first-served.
A misleading comparison
A common queue is widely believed to be the most efficient, because a till is never idle when there are customers waiting. The chart below compares average  wait for common and separate queues as the workload increases. The contrast looks decisive..
This comparison is misleading. Click here to find out why.