By downloading or using  any  Mitan program, you are deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions given below. Click the "Download" button below to start the download.
( GameShow is a Windows 32-bit application ).
Terms and Conditions
These are the terms and conditions under which Mitan Ltd. software is made available.

(1) The "Program" means the software program or any associated programs computer files documentation and information. The Program is made available, with some facilities restricted, at no charge (except possibly for administration and distribution charges) as a demonstration of Mitan's products and to allow potential users of the Program to evaluate the product. By installing or using the Program you, the User, agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. (Separate terms and conditions apply to purchasers of a Licence.)

(2) Mitan Ltd. makes no warranty as to the accuracy or correctness of the results produced by the Program or the relevance of the Program to any particular situation.

(3) In no event shall Mitan Ltd. or its suppliers distributors or agents be held liable for any loss of profits goodwill or any type of special indirect or consequential loss (including loss or damages suffered by the User as a result of an action brought by a third party) in any way related to the use of the Program even if such loss was reasonably foreseeable and Mitan Ltd. had been advised of the possibility of the User incurring the same.

(4) All intellectual property rights in the Program are owned by Mitan Ltd. or its suppliers and are protected by United Kingdom copyright laws, other applicable copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Mitan Ltd. retains all rights in the Program not expressly granted.

(5) You may not adapt, modify, or disassemble the whole or any part of the Program, or allow anyone else to do so.

(6) You may not use any of the restricted facilities. The Program is designed to prevent use of the restricted facilities unless the presence of a Licence, which includes the use of a hardware security device, is detected. Failure, circumvention, or ineffectiveness of this protection mechanism does not confer permission to use the restricted facilities without a Licence. Consult Mitan Ltd. for a list of which facilities are restricted.

(7) All contracts and all matters relating to Mitan Ltd. will be governed solely by the law of England and will be deemed to have occurred within England and to fall exclusively within the jurisdiction of English law and English courts of law.

( Last updated 31/Oct/2007. Copyright © Mitan Ltd 1999-2019 )
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